I would add to TIm's comments that I, like others, let the inhaul off every time I round the windward mark, and pull it on at the leeward. Apart from an initial adjustment of the outhaul to get the depth of sail right, I rarely touch it, probably the only reason to adjust is to go into a super pointy mode, or to get a bit more power to punch through chop. So if it were me I would be prioritising inhaul over outhaul, which you could easily have as a cleat on the boom and set it up before the start. With the traveller a default position is to have (if it is a Harken track) the first bolt just showing, and bring the car to the centreline when conditions are over powering, you don't really need a continuous system to do this. I would echo Tim's point that a Milanese centreboard or a Winder centreboard should be restorable, though it is not unheard of for them to break if they have lost their structural integrity.
The real advantage of continuous kicker, Cunningham, inhaul and outhaul is that you don't get all the tail on the wrong side of the boat, before continuous systems I used to have to make sure all lines were pretty much the same before rounding a mark. If I sailed inland I wouldn't bother with a continuous centreboard control, but just make sure it is calibrated for repeatable settings. On a big course, the ability to adjust the centreboard to balance the helm without leaning into the boat is probably a bit more important.
Anyway, the great thing with a Solo is that there is scope to tinker ...