Here is a list of the committee members and reps:
President: Guy Mayger
Vice President: Paul Davis
Honorary Secretary: Graham Granford Smith
Honorary Treasurer: Andrew Liddington
Membership Sec: John Steels
Championship Organiser: Vacant
Demo Boat Coordinators: Innes Armstrong, Paul Davis
Web Site Coordinator: Nigel Davies
Training Coordinator: Vacant
Class Measurer: Jonathan Woodward
On-Water Judge: Steve Watson
Dinghy Show Coordinator : Guy Mayger
Publicity Officer: Will Loy
Southern Area Rep: Doug Latta
Western Area Rep: Vernon Perkins
Eastern Area Rep: Godfrey Clark
Midlands Area Rep: Maria Franco Ferro
Thames Valley Area Rep: Godfrey Clark
Northern Area Reps: Justine Davenport/Innes Armstrong
Scottish Area Rep: Ross Watson
Sea Series Rep: Doug Latta
If you would like to join the NSCA Committee, please make yourself known to a committee member.
To contact the committee please submit a form;