National Solo Class Association
Welcome to National Solo Class Association.
Representing one of the most popular single handed racing dinghies in the UK. Designed by Jack Holt in 1956 and now stronger than ever. With very competitive fleets across the UK, Holland and Portugal and emerging fleets in Ireland and France.
NSCA run National and Area Series along with International Events.
Please look around the website for more information about the Solo Dinghy.

The National Solo is a classic, one-design, single handed dinghy. Designed by Jack Holt in 1956,the Solo remains a popular dinghy, sailed at manyclubs in the UK, Holland and Australia.
Originally designed in wood, competitive boats are now widely available in Foam Reinforced Plastic (FRP) or composite construction (FRP hull and wood deck) as well as wood.
Light, double-chined hull
Constructed from wood, GRP or composite (GRP hull, wooden decking)
Keel stepped, stayed mast
Fully battened sail
Inward sloping decks for comfortable sitting out
Most boats have centre mainsheet, but aft sheeting permitted by class rules
Nationwide Open Meeting circuit
Events held in the UK, Holland and other EU Counties.
National Inland Water Championship held annually in the UK