1 day to go for the first event of the Allen Midlands Series at Banbury Sailing Club. Please complete the online form online, if you haven't already done so, so we get an idea on total numbers, payment is done on the day on arrival. Link: https://www.banburysailing.org.uk/open-meetings/2024-solo-open
Four races, three to count. First race warning signal at 10:55am. Briefing approximately 10:30am.
Entry fee is £15 and payable at the event by credit or debit card.
Hot drinks are included.
Lunch will be available separately.
Please enter by completing the entry form - payment will be on the day (not online)
Banbury Sailing Club COVID-19 procedures will apply. Clubhouse, changing rooms and showers will be available.
NoR, Sailing Instructions, Results etc will be available as downloads in the site. There will be no paper copies. https://www.banburysailing.org.uk/open-meetings/2024-solo-open