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Join date: Jun 1, 2024
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Back into the fleet with my 4th Solo - I have owned 3814 (Ledger) 4494 (Boon), then 4567 (Winder 1). I have just purchased a Winder 1/Crawshaw composite 4537 as a boat to race when I can't get crew for my flying fifteen (hmm... perhaps I should not have owned up to that...🤔).
I last raced a Solo in the early naughties so it's going to take time for me to readjust. I have been Solo fleet captain at Carsington SC and NSCA Midland Area rep in the past so not unfamiliar with the NSCA. I am currently a member of Notts County Sailing Club so you may see me floundering at the back at the Midland Area Champs in late September - but if I get a good start, do please wave as you go past :-).
Ian Shaw
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