I'd like to start the first post under Women that launch, by sharing a recent docuseries on equality and women in sailing. The series focuses in offshore sailing, but I believe the conversation also applies in some ways to our community of dinghy sailors. Each episode is about 7 minutes long, click on each link listed below to open the videos in YouTube. Hope you enjoy it and share with fellow women sailors in your clubs. Next forum will share 4 personal stories and experience of some of our UK women Solo Sailors, that we shared also at a recent magazine.
Evening The Keel (musto.com) - “Evening the Keel” is a four-part docuseries spotlighting women in offshore sailing and focuses on the challenges of overcoming adversity to perform at a professional level in a predominantly male sport. Produced by Musto, with support from World Sailing, the series addresses themes such as feelings about the term ‘female’ sailor, diversity within teams, juggling an offshore sailing career and motherhood and the opportunities for change in the sport.